The Anti-Candida Diet


The Anti-Candida Diet

Candida, a normally friendly yeast, has in the above diseases grown out of control and become a parasitic fungus.

This is because it no longer has any good bugs to feed, which have all been killed off by antibiotics and steroids. After the disease, it is definitely your worst enemy, as it assists the disease, making your condition far worse than it needs be.

Like us, Candida is a living organism with likes and dislikes as to what it ingests from your food intake. For instance, it loves all forms of sugar, such as lactose in cow’s milk and all its products, white and brown sugar and even honey.

It also loves yeasts found in bread, Oxo, Bovril and Marmite, alcohol, over-ripe fruit, mushrooms etc.

Knowing this, it follows that if a patient continues to ingest these items, they will boost Candida’s population and the multiple problems it causes in the above diseases.

As explained in the I.B.D. and M.S. info sheets, Candida causes a condition termed “leaky-gut” syndrome, resulting in allergies to certain foods/drinks (see also: ‘What is auto-immune disease’). Hence, as soon as any molecules of these allergens pass through the bowel wall into the gut, the immune system attacks, so causing immunological self-attack.

How can dieting help?

Cow’s milk is made up of molecules six times larger than those of either sheep or goats milk and are six times more difficult to digest. So if either goats’ milk (used neat) or sheep’s milk (diluted 50/50 with water) is used, it is digested where it should be, in the small bowel.  It never gets into the large bowel or colon where the holes are, to leak through and cause allergic triggers to relative auto-immune disease symptoms.

It should also be realised that auto-immune patients have a very poor output of digestive enzymes (especially I.B.D. patients), so it makes good sense not to eat/drink difficult to digest foods/drinks, thus ensuring they are absorbed in the small bowel.

Hopefully you can now see the benefits of cutting these products out of your diet, and why it is essential that you:

a)            deprive Candida of the products it thrives on

b)            avoid hard to digest items

c)            find and cut out all the Candida-induced triggers to symptoms (see the Rotation diet).

One of Candida’s most commonly induced allergens in M.S. (and in 35% of I.B.D. cases) is Gluten, which is always taboo in M.S. and sometimes in other auto-immune diseases.

The Rotation Diet

The way to find your dietary. triggers is as follows:

First pick 18 dietary items you like, say:

1) potatoes, 2) lamb, 3) cod, and so on.

Now use any 5 of these items plus a drink, 6 all told per day. Using these in any order you like, simply rotate and ring the changes from your 18 items to give variety.

A dietary plan as above must be written out, so that if you had a bad day, you would know what you had the day before and could look for the item that triggered your symptoms. If you feel ill at the end of the day it may be something you had that same day.

This way you will be able to find the ‘baddies’ and cut them out of your diet. Once these are removed, patients will make either a partial or full recovery.

Using the Rotation diet, in conjunction with the Anti-Candida diet to reduce your Candida levels, it should not take long to achieve this. You will have a more noticeable medicinal effect as Candida’s masking effect is reduced.

The Two-Day Elimination Diet (Six-Day Elimination for MS)

If this relief does not materialise after a few weeks, it usually means that there is another allergen trigger which has not yet been found, but which must be eliminated to get relief. With only 18 dietary items all told, it is easy to find using a Two-day elimination diet (Six-day elimination for MS).

This is quite painless, in that you only exclude one item at a time, and only for two days. (MS six days)

Simply number each dietary item one to eighteen.

Now take out no. 1 for two days, returning it into the diet afterwards if you neither get better or worse, proving it is a non-reactionary item.

Then take out no. 2 for two days, and so on, until you suddenly find one day, that you feel a lot better (as if the medicine has been switched on to full power).

This means that you have found a ‘baddie’ that was masking the medicine’s effect and this has to be excluded from your diet. There may be more than one allergen trigger however, so you should carry on until all 18 items have been checked.

If you find that you have had to get rid of two or three items from your list of eighteen, this need not be a problem.

You simply replace them with other items that were not originally on your list (although not with items that are excluded by the Anti-Candida diet of course, which must be excluded for life).  Obviously, if you react to the new items, exclude them again immediately.

Cow’s milk replacements are goats’, sheep’s or soya milk (sheep’s milk can be diluted 50/50 with water)

Sugar is replaced by the herb Stevia, but not by Canderel, being lactose, (cow’s milk sugar) which we must avoid.

Yeast can be avoided by using soda bread and excluding other items mentioned earlier.

Anything that feeds Candida is bad, as are ready made convenience foods, which are full of all sorts of additives, any one of which you could react to. You’ll need to buy ingredients to make your food, so you know what you’re eating at all times.

Dried fruit contains high amounts of sugar, as does over-ripe fruit and fruit juice, so should be avoided.

Don’t have more than one fruit a day, say an apple, pear or a Kiwi, and not high sugar fruits like grapes or melon. Bananas too can cause problems.

Coffee is taboo for life. Some patients may be able to have tea (not too strong or too many cups). Green or herbal teas are a safe alternative.

Anything containing citric acid, bio chemically made from sugar wastes and yeasts, is taboo.

It makes good sense for patients with auto-immune diseases to eat organically grown foods (to reduce their intake of organo-phosphorous).  In cases where this is not possible, always peel and wash thoroughly.

Only your body’s immune reactions will tell you if something is good or bad for you.  When you are symptomless, you could obviously recognise a symptom if you did react to a newly introduced food/drink.

Add a new dietary item every two days (six for MS), keeping it in your diet if it doesn’t react, while dropping it instantly if it does. When symptomless again, after such an upset, continue adding one item you fancy every two days. This way you can eventually build your diet back up to a possible 85% of what it was prior to dieting.

For 50% of M.S. patients, and 90% of I.B.D. patients, the diet alone is sufficient to control their Candida population. In M.S. patients with a very high Candida population however, (the other 50%), methods other than diet alone are needed.

We have been successful with some of these patients by attacking this with other herbal remedies in the three main problem areas (see sheet).

With our herbal remedies and dedication to the diets, which eventually get much less austere, remission is there for the asking.

**The following is a two-page list which can be copied and printed off.


You may look at the list below and feel despondent, but please be assured, it is a small price to pay for what you will GAIN. After following this diet for a few days, you should notice increased energy, easier movement, better sleep, less digestive problems, in fact, many people report ALL their symptoms disappear, especially when they use the herbs and supplements suggested. Try it and see for yourself.


All cows’ milk products: cheese, yoghurt, whey — all cow’s milk derivatives.

Yeast products: alcohol, bread (soda bread is allowed), Marmite, Oxo, Bovril, vinegars, mushrooms, processed and smoked fish and meats,

All sugar products: honey, fructose, lactose, glucose, dextrose, NutraSweet, Canderel.

Nearly all fruit: overripe fruits are full of sugar and yeast (hence they go mouldy when over-ripe). Fruit juice, even the unsweetened kind, contains far too much natural sugar and is not allowed on the diet.

High-sugar root vegetables such as carrots, parsnips, sweet potatoes, beetroots. NB: If you really can’t live without potatoes, wean yourself off them slowly and try to end up with one a day.

The list below shows you the foods Candida loves and thrives on. These need to be eliminated from your diet for between 3-6 months to begin with. Once the Candida is ‘under control’, you may feel inclined to gradually reintroduce the foods listed below, gradually meaning one by one. Whether this is successful or not will depend on various factors, for instance, the strength of your immune system. If any of your old symptoms reoccur, this is a sure sign that you should remove the last food you reintroduced.

Too much carbohydrate turns to glucose rapidly:
Bread and all of its relatives: crackers, pastries, doughnuts, pies, muffins, cookies Cereals, hot or cold, sweetened or unsweetened          Snacks including crisps, pretzels and popcorn       White rice, potatoes and corn              Products made with white flour, such as pasta.If you feel you can’t cut out potatoes completely, wean yourself off them slowly and try to end up with one a day

Most fruit                           Root vegetables  such as carrots, turnips, parsnips and beetroot   Chick peas, dried beans, lentils, pinto beans


Avoid all convenience/junk foods, as they contain hidden sugars  and other undesirable ingredients.  Cheeses (except non-cow’s milk cheeses)

Milk and yoghurt
Processed meats  such as bacon, sausage, ham, salami, bologna, pastrami, hot dogs and smoked fish (high salt content) Mushrooms and fungi     Condiments, such as pickles, all shop bought sauces Hydrogenated fatty acids and partially hydrogenated fatty acids as contained in margarines and many processed foods

These fruit and veg are best avoided until the Candida is under control: Apricots, Artichokes, Asparagus, Aubergine, Avocado, Blackberries, Courgettes, Grapefruit, Kumquats, Okra, PassionFruit, Peaches, Peas, Plums, Pumpkin, Raspberries, Sauerkraut, Sugar Snap Peas,  Squash, Strawberries, Tomato, Watermelon

FLUIDS                  Coffee and other caffeine containing beverages, fizzy canned drinks                      Alcohol in all forms                               Fruit juices and squashes.

Health Supplements containing lactose, gluten, citric acid



The foods below have the lowest possible sugar/yeast content and are your best choice. You will notice there are several oils included, this is because certain ‘good fats’ are vital for health, these are omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids.

EAT PLENTY OF THE FOLLOWING FOODS:         Alfalfa Sprouts Bean Sprouts       Bell Peppers (sweet)                        Bok Choy      Broccoli               Brussels Sprouts      Cabbage  Cauliflower      Celery         Cucumber        Endive               Fennel                 Garlic                        Green Beans   Greens                         Hot Chili Peppers Kale                    Lettuce              Onions              Parsley          Radishes                 Spring Onions  Spinach                      Swiss Chard

Dairy-free Margarine (from health food shops)

FATS (in moderation): Avocado oil        Fish oil              Flaxseed oil
Rapeseed oil       Hemp oil Mayonnaise Monounsaturated fats                         Olive oil       Primrose oil         Coconut 0il 

FLUIDS: Try to drink 8 glasses of water each day; the body is 60-70% water, so needs fresh supplies daily for optimal hydration and to help flush out toxins. There are many benefits from drinking more water —  increased energy, better concentration, clearer skin, etc. Herbal teas are acceptable.

Free range eggs   Fresh fish and seafood              Pork, lamb and veal         Poultry:       chicken, turkey, particularly skinless white meat                    Game

Sheep’s milk and cheeses (dilute sheep’s milk 50/50 with water and it will taste the same as cow’s milk)

Goat’s milk, butter and cheeses

Yeast-less bread = SODA bread (look out for added sugars and other undesirable ingredients in commercially produced Soda breads)

Culinary herbs and spices

For those with a sweet tooth, to sweeten foods, use Stevia, this herb is 100 times sweeter than sugar and is also a natural anti-fungal agent. Sweetex is acceptable though Stevia is far superior. Also…

•             If you can’t do without bread, buy a yeastless bread such as Soda bread, or even better, bake your own. (recipe available from me)

•             Although most fruits are taboo, you may have one piece of ‘firm’ fruit a day: apple, pear or kiwi.

•             To help further boost the immune system Astragalus and Echinacea are taken in capsule form, along with a minimum of 1 gram of Vitamin C daily.

•             It’s advised not to eat potatoes, but for some people, this is just too strict, so try to wean yourself off them slowly and end up with one potato a day.

Final Note:  To maintain a Candida-free body, you should always follow a well-balanced diet, very low in sugar and yeast


Some answers to commonly asked questions to help with the diet:

Patients on the anti-candida diet are allowed 1 small portion of carbohydrates per day. Carbohydrates instantly turn to sugar in the body.
Foods high in carbohydrates are:
• All grains and cereals (wheat, rye, oats, etc.)
• Root vegetables (carrots, beetroot, parsnips, potatoes, etc.)
• Beans and pulses (baked beans, kidney beans, peas, lentils, etc.) green/string beans are allowed.
One small portion a day means 1 portion of only one of these – NOT 1 portion of each.
Rice and buckwheat are low in carbohydrates, so patients are allowed a slightly larger portion of these.

All seeds and nuts are fine on the diet, apart from peanuts – these are prone to moulds, and also part of the ‘legume’ family, like peas and beans, which are not allowed.

Only 1 fruit per day is allowed on the diet. Most fruit contains too much natural sugar. This should be a firm fruit like an apple, pear or kiwi fruit, but NOT strawberries, grapes or melon, as these contain too much natural sugar.
Freshly squeezed lemon juice can be used to replace vinegar for a sour taste.
Overripe and dried fruit is NOT allowed, as it is too sugary and also becomes naturally yeasty.

Fruit juice – even unsweetened – is not allowed as it contains far too much natural sugar.

‘Sugar-Free’ drinks are not advised because they contain artificial sweeteners like Aspartame, which is a neuro-toxin.

We advise against drinking tap water, as it contains many chemicals and worst of all fluoride, which is another neuro-toxin. Drink distilled water or a good mineral water instead. (and find a toothpaste that doesn’t contain fluoride)

Alcohol of any kind is NOT allowed, as it feeds candida. In cancer alcohol directly feeds the tumours.

A cook book using only Gerald Green’s anti-candida diet ingredients is now available from
Jan Smith, on 01132 163751, or e-mail:

Kefir bio-cultures are also available from Jan or from me at £5.00 per culture. (around £15.00 when bought online)

2 responses to “The Anti-Candida Diet

  1. nina brem-wilson

    excellent simple information, which we will follow. regards d.russell

  2. I have been symptom free for about 5 years now. However after coming back from holiday yesterday, symptoms returned with a vengance. What a shock, however I have been completely off the wagon for at least 3 years, although not eating much sugar. I am straight back on the regime today and luckily have the capsules still (but will order more). Will let you know how I get on. Kind regards Caz

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